Heavenly Manna Food Pantry & Clothes Closet (summer hours)

FMCOC 3500 Fowler St, Fort Myers

Every Tuesday and Thursday, 9 AM to Noon, FMCOC gives food and clothing to hundreds. No one is turned away. This ministry is supported by FMCOC Partners. The food is purchased each week from Harry Chapin Food Distrubution Center. It is top quality and always fresh. Each person is always shown love and that God loves them! Mathew 25:35-36 (NKJV)

Women Empowering Women (WEW)

Women, you're invited to join us Friday, February 25th at 7:30 PM to "Women Empowering Women" (or WEW) with special guest speaker, Jo Naughton, from the UK, returning to minister to us again! Overcome the hurts that linger; move beyond your broken dreams to new purpose and victory... it's going to be so powerful. There's also going to be gift baskets and delicious desserts, so invite someone who really needs this Word. Jo Naughton will also be speaking on Sunday, February 27th at 10 AM, at 3500 Fowler Street, Fort Myers, at FMCOC. See you there!