Joan Hunter Miracle Service!

“Go Ye” Community Outreach

Held on the 3rd Saturday of every month, “Go Ye” is an evangelistic outreach to the community led by Adrianne Mallion. Adrianne and her husband, Pastor Sean, and their team usually go to nearby bus stations where many come to know the Lord Jesus Christ through their witnessing and sharing the salvation message. They pray with peoples and lead them to the Lord! Hundreds are saved. Before they leave the Church, the team shares a time of prayer and worship to prepare for the day’s event.

Roberts Liaradon

Dr. Roberts Liardon is an author, public speaker, spiritual leader, church historian, and humanitarian. He was called into the ministry at a very young age, preaching his first public sermon at the age of thirteen and lecturing on God’s Generals in Christian colleges and universities at age fifteen. From age sixteen, he has utilized every platform to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, bring maturity to the Church, and encourage those in ministry. He has produced radio, television, and Internet programs, and has also authored over eighty books, which have been translated into over sixty languages and to date have sold 16.5 million copies.

Joan Hunter Miracle Service!

Please come and join us as we welcome Joan Hunter. Do Not Miss Your Hour of VISITATION! Miracles Will Happen! Come Believing! Sunday February 23rd @ 10AM!

Foster Boys, Crossroads Hope Academy

Every 1st Saturday of month, Scott & Sheryl Riebenack and their team visit a special home for 25 teen-age boys who have been mistreated and rejected from many foster homes. Besides bringing love and hope to these needy teenagers by telling them about Jesus, our team usually brings them a special gift and a delicious home cooked meal. These young boys welcome and love our team each month.